II Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." What does this verse mean? Let's break this verse into pieces and find what God is trying to tell us. "Study" "To shew thyselves approved unto God" |
The breastplate was a central part of the Roman soldiers armor. It provided protection for the torso which contains vital organs like the heart, lungs, etc. If a battling soldier didn't have a breastplate, he would basically be asking for death. What does righteousness have to do with such an important piece of Roman armor? To answer that, we must look at what exactly righteousness is. 1 Corinthians 15:34 says this, "Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame." To be righteous is not to sin and do only what is right in God's eyes. Psalm 119:172 "My tongue shall speak of Your word, for all your commandments are righteousness." God's commandments are righteous meaning that they are perfect and without sin. In contrast, lawlessness is a sin, and sin is the opposite of righteousness. So to be righteous, we must obey God's laws. So back to the question, what does righteo ... Read more » |
In this series "The Armor of God" we will be talking about the spiritual defenses that we should have to help ourselves on the journey of following God. Paul says in Ephesians 6 that we don't fight against the men of the flesh, but against principles and demons who seek to destroy us. These 6 pieces of spiritual armor will help protect us from the lies and temptations of Satan and his followers. This letter was written during the age of the Romans' rule and at this time there was a lot of warring and fighting going on. There were 6 parts of a Roman Soldier's fighting attire that would help him in battle. The first piece of armor mentioned is the waist belt of truth. Why would Paul start out with the waist belt of truth? Why doesn't he start out with the Mighty Sword of the Spirit? or maybe the powerful shield of faith. But why a belt? Let's break this name down piece by peace, the first thing we will look at is what was the belt used for i ... Read more » |
The Provision of God I. The Lord provides Relationship. 1. First, let’s look at what David DIDN’T write. He didn’t write “the Lord is a shepherd.” He didn’t write “The Lord is THE shepherd.” He wrote “The Lord is MY shepherd.” In that statement he is showing a personal relationship with God. 2. David knew that since he had his personal relationship with God, he would have everything he could ever need. So, he wrote his feelings in this statement, “… I shall not want.” That word ‘want’ can also be translated as lacking. So what David is saying is that, “I shall not lack.” 3. In verse 2 it says that he makes us to lie down in green pastures. But the thing about sheep is that they will not lay ... Read more » |
Psa 23:1 A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. That always confused me when I was younger. Does that mean that we shouldn't want God as our shepherd? No. It is simply saying that God as our shepherd is all we could ever want. All we could ever need. What David is saying, is that God watches over us, that is all I want. I do not want anything else.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures..... That means that God is leading us to the best places on earth. Notice that it didn't say that He maketh me to lie down in gray pastures, or he maketh me to lie down in dead pastures. He doesn't lead us to the worst land. He doesn't bring us to the roughest and choppiest rivers ever.
Do you think you have done something that God won't forgive? Do you have a problem or a sin that God won't help with? Well you are WRONG! If you are thinking that God won't forgive you for some stupid thing you did 5 years ago then READ THIS ENTRY!! If you pray to God to forgive your sins and you feel like he hasn't forgiven you, you feel like there is a problem with God, right? Well let me say something. The problem is not with God. The problem is with YOU! If you think God hates you for what you have done then just pray to God, he WILL help. Don't just sit around and wait for everything to be okay. Don't just stand around and watch. Get on your feet!!! If you are not praying to God THEN START DOING IT!!! You are not giving God a chance to forgive you!!! You have to have faith that he hears you!! When you finish praying, don't just wait for God to do something about it, get out of your house and start working for the Lord! Read your Bible, memorize verse ... Read more » |
I saw this poster someone told me about. I thought I'd share it. Noah was a drunk Abraham was too old Isaac was a daydreamer Jacob was a liar Leah was ugly Joseph was abused Moses had a stuttering problem Gideon was afraid Rahab was a prostitute Jeremiah and Timothy were too young David was a murderer Elijah was suicidal Jonah ran from God Naomi was a widow Job went brankrupt Peter denied Christ The diciples fell asleep while praying Zaccheus was too small Paul was too religious Lazarus was dead
Still think God can't use you?
Here are the answers to the Bible Quiz Section A. Keep a lookout for the next quiz. Have a good day, and if you want contact me and tell me how many questions you got right. :) Mary (Matt 1:18) 2. Garden of Eden (Gen 2:8) 3. Loaves of bread and fishes (Matt 14:19) 4. Crucifixion (Mark 15:25) 5. Rib (Gen 2:21) 6. (Simon) Peter (Matt 26:69-74) 7. Serpent (Gen 3:1-6) 8. Crown of Thorns (Matt 27:29) 9. Our Father which art in heaven (Matt 6:9) 10. Daughter-in-law (Ruth 1:4) 11. Cain (Gen 4:9) 12. Abraham (Jam 2:21-22) 13. Creation (Gen 1 - 2) 14. King of the Jews / This is Jesus, King of the Jews (Mark 15:26; Matt 27:27) 15. Moses (Exo 2:3) 16. Forty (Gen 7:12) 17. She was a virgin (Matt 1:23) 18. Wise men / magi (Matt 2:7-10) 19. He was swallowed by a great fish (Jon 1:17) 20. God’s (Gen 1:27) 21. Twel ... Read more » |
That one will be Satan. Satan is a fallen angel and the master of tricks and schemes. The Bible describes the Devil as a lion seeking whom he may devour. The Devil wants to keep everyone from the presence of God. He will stop at nothing to do that. If he is so powerful, then why am I saying that God will win? It is simple, God could snap his fingers and Satan would be no more. In the end, God will win, and the Devil knows that. Satan and his army of demons are fighting and fighting to keep men and women from the truth. Satan is going to go to the lake of fire and so will all his followers. Read the Bible and sign up for the Lord's army. It is just a matter of time. Who's side will you fight on? |
Bible quizes are now available. Copy and paste these questions into a word document and keep your answers around until I give off the answer sheet. Please only use your Bible to answer these questions, no internet. Thanks!
SECTION A 1. What was the name of Jesus’ mother? 2. What was the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived? 3. With what food did Jesus feed 5,000 people? 4. What method did the Romans use to kill Jesus? 5. From which part of Adam’s body did God create Eve? 6. Who, when accused of being with Jesus, lied and said that he did not know him, three times? 7. Which creature tricked Eve into eating of the forbidden fruit? 8. At Christ’s crucifixion what did the soldiers place on his head? 9. What is the first line of the Lord’s Prayer? 10. What relationship was Ruth to Naomi? 11. Who lied to God w ... Read more » |