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Here are the answers to the Bible Quiz Section A. Keep a lookout for the next quiz. Have a good day, and if you want contact me and tell me how many questions you got right. :)

Mary (Matt 1:18)

2. Garden of Eden (Gen 2:8)

3. Loaves of bread and fishes (Matt 14:19)

4. Crucifixion (Mark 15:25)

5. Rib (Gen 2:21)

6. (Simon) Peter (Matt 26:69-74)

7. Serpent (Gen 3:1-6)

8. Crown of Thorns (Matt 27:29)

9. Our Father which art in heaven (Matt 6:9)

10. Daughter-in-law (Ruth 1:4)

11. Cain (Gen 4:9)

12. Abraham (Jam 2:21-22)

13. Creation (Gen 1 - 2)

14. King of the Jews / This is Jesus, King of

the Jews (Mark 15:26; Matt 27:27)

15. Moses (Exo 2:3)

16. Forty (Gen 7:12)

17. She was a virgin (Matt 1:23)

18. Wise men / magi (Matt 2:7-10)

19. He was swallowed by a great fish (Jon 1:17)

20. God’s (Gen 1:27)

21. Twel ... Read more »

Category: Random stuff | Views: 538 | Added by: starfish | Date: 2015-03-27 | Comments (0)

Bible quizes are now available. Copy and paste these questions into a word document and keep your answers around until I give off the answer sheet. Please only use your Bible to answer these questions, no internet. Thanks!



1. What was the name of Jesus’ mother?

2. What was the name of the garden

where Adam and Eve lived?

3. With what food did Jesus feed 5,000 people?

4. What method did the Romans use to kill Jesus?

5. From which part of Adam’s body

did God create Eve?

6. Who, when accused of being with Jesus, lied and

said that he did not know him, three times?

7. Which creature tricked Eve into

eating of the forbidden fruit?

8. At Christ’s crucifixion what did the

soldiers place on his head?

9. What is the first line of the Lord’s Prayer?

10. What relationship was Ruth to Naomi?

11. Who lied to God w ... Read more »

Category: Random stuff | Views: 549 | Added by: starfish | Date: 2015-03-20 | Comments (0)